Cosmetic INCI names

International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients, or INCI (pronounced “INKIE” ) is the international naming system for ingredients in cosmetics and skin care. But what do all those difficult names mean? In this article you will find the ingredients in cosmetics with explanations! International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients, or INCI (pronounced “INKIE” ) is the international […]

What is the INCI of a perfume?

You can create the INCI name from the Allergen documentation. The INCI consists out of the following: For example, look at the ALLERGEN of the fragrance Comfort Joy.  Allergen of Comfort Joy Allergen/CAS PercentageBenzyl alcohol (CAS No 100-51-6) 0.1260Benzyl benzoate (CAS No 120-51-4) 4.5007Citral (CAS No 5392-40-5) 0.0636Coumarin (CAS No 91-64-5) 3.5600Eugenol (CAS No 97-53-0) 11.0000Linalool […]